Business Process-Customization Trade-Offs The typical approach to successfully implementing enterprise Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions includes considering a number of people-process-technology related compromises and conc...
Customise, De-customise, Re-customise: the Enterprise Digitalisation Dilemma
2017-08-11Enterprise, ERP, PLM, Customization, OOTBGoing digital: to customise or not to customise? Digitalisation strategies include the selection, design, build, test, deployment, continuous improvement and maintenance of enterprise IT solutions, such as Product Lifecycle Management (P...
A business process is typically an activity or a set of inter-dependent activities, tasks or actions that, once complete, will accomplish a specific organizational objective. It can be described and illustrated by a use case or a set of ...
Implementing any enterprise-IT solution, PLM, ERP, or others, requires a degree of personalization in the form of either (or more realistically a combination of) configuration, extension or customization. Typically, choosing one or anoth...